Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Today was the 2nd Annual Halloween Costume Extravaganza. I had fun but I mostly just wanted to eat color crayons. My mom tried to keep them out of my mouth but I could not resist the temptation. By the end of the party I had purple teeth.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Let's all go to the Pumpkin Patch

Dad had the day off work today so mom and dad decided it would be fun to take a trip out to Snohomish, WA to visit a pumpkin patch. Not to buy a pumpkin… but to play in the field and take some fall pictures. With some help from OnStar and the gas tank on empty, we found Craven Farm. Little did mom and dad know I blew out my pants on the way. After a mad dash for wipes and a messy diaper change on the back bumper, we were on our way out to the pumpkin field with me in a little wagon. The ride was a little bumpy but we made it before sunset and just as the bugs were out in full force. Mom swallowed a bug or two when taking this first picture.

Big Smile

We love you Morgan.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Little Lady Bug

Today was my first Halloween Playdate.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall Colors

Colorful trees on Beaver Lake Drive