Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Guess who is going to be a BIG SIS soon?

Yes, it's true. Morgan is going to be a big sister in April. We have a long road ahead of us but we are so excited.


hsumama said...

Aww! Congrats to the whole family! That's so exciting!

Gigi said...

Hello Ashley,
You must be very suprise to get my message and wondered, who is she? Ok, this is Wang Ji, who is so happy to find you and your sister from internet. I went to Snohomish high back to 93 as the exchange student and lived in your house for one month, now remember me? I left isolde a message too in her facebook, hopefully she can get it. How are you guys these years!! How's Kathy doing? I missed her very much.. I lived in Chicago for about 10 years, and like you guys, married and have a 6 years old daughter. Her name is Grace. I love you and Isolde's picture, looks so nice. And congratulations for your second baby on the way!!
Let's Keep in touch and looking forward to hearing from you!!

My email is wangjiji@hotmail.com.

Click the link, you will see my pictures!! See how much I changed..

have a wonderful day and best wishes to your family.


P.S. please tell Kathy that I am still wearing the sleeve she mailed to me years agao. With the 'seattle' log in front.

Gigi said...

Hello Ashley,
You must be very suprise to get my message and wondered, who is she? Ok, this is Wang Ji, who is so happy to find you and your sister from internet. I went to Snohomish high back to 93 as the exchange student and lived in your house for one month, now remember me? I left isolde a message too in her facebook, hopefully she can get it. How are you guys these years!! How's Kathy doing? I missed her very much.. I lived in Chicago for about 10 years, and like you guys, married and have a 6 years old daughter. Her name is Grace. I love you and Isolde's picture, looks so nice. And congratulations for your second baby on the way!!
Let's Keep in touch and looking forward to hearing from you!!

My email is wangjiji@hotmail.com.

Click the link, you will see my pictures!! See how much I changed..

have a wonderful day and best wishes to your family.


P.S. please tell Kathy that I am still wearing the sleeve she mailed to me years agao. With the 'seattle' log in front.

Go Zesty with Dee! said...

So excited for you guys!!!

MommyBrain said...

Woo Hoo! Congratulations! Welcome to the "expectant mommy" cohort of the Issy Moms group ... hee, hee!

I am beyond excited for you ... knowing how much you were wanting to grow your family. Be sure to rest when you can; this pregnant-with-a-toddler gig is tough :)

P.S. Adorable t-shirt ... I should look into getting one for NHV!