Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Rainy Day Activity

A Liquid or A Solid? Or Something Else?

Morgan loves playing in the kitchen, so today we turned off the cartoons and tried an experiment. All you need is Cornstarch and water. Morgan mixed the ingredients together, added her color of choice (Blue) and... PRESTO! She could not beleive her eyes and could not stop playing with the funny mixture. It looked and acts like a liquid but as soon as she touch it, it was solid. A fun and easy indoor activity.

What you need:
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • ABOUT 1/2 cup water
  • food coloring


  • Empty 1 cup of cornstarch into a large bowl.
  • Stir while you add water SLOWLY -- don't add all of it if you don't need to.
    • You need the consistency of thick pancake batter and better to add too little water than too much.
  • Add a few drops of food coloring.
  • Stick your hands in the mixture and play in it.
    • What does it feels like?
    • What happens when you try to roll some into a ball and then leave it alone?
    • Pour the water into another bowl or pie plate
    • smack it with your hand

What Happened: When we talk about "states" of matter, we usually talk about the three types: solid (like a rock), liquid (like water) and gas (like the air we breath).A mixture of cornstarch and water make what is known as a suspension. When you squeeze a Cornstarch Suspension it really feels like a solid because its molecules line up. But it looks like a liquid and acts like a liquid when no one is pressing on it because the molecules relax. This is another state of matter, called a suspension (It can act like a liquid, or, when pressed like a solid.).

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