Sunday, November 29, 2009


Morgan's BIG GIRL room is all done! With a lot of help from family we painted the walls, assembled the furniture and put the bedding together. Morgan's room is a large loft with a view of a forest, so we thought a woodland's theme would be perfect. I love the colors and vintage fabric. Because we only have one kids bedroom we got 2 beds with the anticipation for baby number two to grow into it. If it's a boy, I hope he's OK with pink! We moved the crib and made a small nursery in the cubby area.

Friday, November 27, 2009

It's Starting to Look a lot Like Christmas

The Christmas tree is up and holiday music fills the air. I love this time of year. But what a day!
A BIG Thank You to grandma and grandpa for watching Morgan. I can't wait for her to come home tomorrow and see the Christmas cheer.

Monday, November 16, 2009

All About MEme Monday: Mission Impossiable

  • Complete Morgan's BIG GIRL room. Need to finish painting the room. Half the room is done but still need to paint entryway/stairs with an 18 feet wall (still not sure how to do this). Paint and decorate the reading cubby, as a woodlands mushroom house. Setup 2nd twin bed. Finish Bathroom and organize closet.
  • Find “a place” for the new baby to sleep... need an empty wall (any room will do) just needs to fit a crib. This is when I wished we had moved to a bigger house. Looks like we will use the Family Room for a nursery again.

  • Finish Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving. With Morgan in school 3 days a week, I should be able to complete this but easier said than done. I love Etsy for gifts this year. They have so much great stuff!

  • It's an Ice Cream Sundae Party. December is too crazy to find time to plan an early January Birthday Party, so I have to have everything done before Thanksgiving. The house is going to be transformed into an old fashion ice cream parlor with all fixings for a yummy ice cream sundae.

  • Not gaining 60 pounds this pregnancy. However my carving for donuts and eggnog will not go away. The eggnog drinking has become out-of-control. I did get to the gym today for a short workout but not sure it will make a dent in the gallon of eggnog I drank today.


  • Sad Goodbye to our best friend "Nini" (or Binky) forever! This week we are only getting Nini in bed. So far so good but goodbye forever is another story.

  • Transition Morgan to a BIG GIRL bed by April. May need to get a second crib.

  • Not waiting in line for the H1N1 vaccine… forget it!

  • A clean yard and roof. We do live in a forest of pine trees. There is not much we can do about that but the wind storms are not helping. There are pine needles and leaves everywhere. Collin and his dad worked this weekend to clean things up and the next day we have another BIG wind storm. I guess I should be happy as long as a tree does not fall on us.

  • Finding comfortable (yet flattering) maternity clothes. I am dreading dressing up for the holidays. Why do maternity clothes look so awful? And shoes… not a lot of options here. That’s why I am hosting a pajama party for Christmas.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Madeline’s Mad Hatter's Tea Party

Madeline celebrated her 3rd birthday with a crazy mad hatter's tea party. Aunt Isolde’s Birthday Parties are always fun and over-the-top. This year’s the Mad Hatter tea party was a delightful with a crazy decorations, a sideways cake and circle time with Mother Goose for a little story telling. Oh, did I mention there was a harp player there too! Happy 3rd Birthday Maddy!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Stay Away Piggy!

Well we did it. Morgan got her H1N1vaccine, still need a booster but hopefully 1 will be better than nothing. The doctor's office said "no promises" that they will have the required booster for her. But at least we did not have to wait in a 4 hour line to get it. I'm not so lucky. My OB at Evergreen still does not have any vaccines (month over due), so this pregnant lady is going to have to wait a few more week.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Knock Knock

Wonder Woman made her appearance on Halloween Night. Thank you Aunt Izzy for letting us borrow it, it was a winner! Morgan was so excited to wear the costume (no tears) and she had this burst of energy when she put it on.

Mom and Dad decided we should start the night off trick or treating around Beaver Lake. We thought it would be fun to meet some of our neighbors for the first time. (We have only lived here 4 years!) I thought it would be a good surprise too, since we have never had a trick or treater come to the house. The first house had a long driveway but it was all lighted and they had lots of fun Halloween decorations. Now normally Morgan is shy around new people and places but not Wonder Woman. No, Wonder Woman RUNS down the driveway and starts knocking on the door before we could get there. After a long wait, a lady opens the door. She looks at us in utter disbelief and says, ”we have never had a trick or treater here. And ummm….. we do not get any candy this year.” Just then, Wonder Woman takes off and runs inside the house. She is not leaving without her treat. As we try to get Wonder Woman to come back outside the neighbor realizes she might have a leftover candy bar and scurries off to the kitchen to look. She comes back with a full size candy bar and Wonder Woman could not have been more excited. We decided at that point we better surprise any more neighbors. We headed off to O’s toddler Halloween Party for night of trick or treating, fun toddler play and yummy Halloween treats. On the way over to the party Wonder Woman ate the whole candy bar with a BIG chocolate smile on her face. Morgan LOVED Halloween. She ran house to house and got lots of candy. She can not say "Trick or Trick" yet but she did know how to "knock, knock" and look cute for some candy. I think this might be her favorite holiday for years to come.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

What a Hoot!

This week we setup Morgan's big girl bed. Well Collin set up the bed when I was out of town but it’s all done and it looks adorable. I love it! It was a fun surprise to come home to after a few days away. It’s a twin bed, cottage style, with colorful trees and owl bedding. Morgan’s room is like a tree house loft, so it fits perfectly. The only problem is I seem to be the only one sleeping in the bed. At least it's comfortable! Morgan is getting up at 6AM these days and mom cannot seem to get moving that early. I go up stairs to get her and end up crawling into her bed, as she watching morning cartoons and makes pretend breakfast.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Our Little Ballerina

It looks like Little Red Riding Hood will NOT make an appearance this Halloween. After a lot of crying and tears I think we are done with the Red Dress and hood. But mom found a backup costume in the closet and it looks like a winner. Morgan even put on a little ballet show for us.

My Favorite Things To Do

... Color, Color, Color

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Carving Party: Friends from the Issy Mom's Group

Despite our crazy weather on Saturday, the Pumpkin Party was a success. The house was busting at the seams and NOT a lot of pumpkin carving got done but it was a good Saturday night. The plan was to have everyone carve their pumpkins outside but the blowing rain and lighting and thunder was a bit of a deterrent. However the food was delicious and I can say that because I did not make any of it. (I can't cook, especially being pregnant) But my wonderful husband made 3 crock pots of beef stew and my amazing mother-in-law made homemade corn bread and apple crisp and 2 pumpkin pies. It was really tasty... I had several helping and gained a good 5lbs.
But the best part was catching up with my fellow mommies and watching all the kids play together. I joined the Issy Mom's Group when Morgan was 10 weeks old and now these moms are my best friends. We have watched our babies grow up together. I am so thankful for my amazing mommy friends! And for my Mother-in-law who was a huge help at the party.

I hope the Pumpkin Carving Party will become a tradition for many years to come.

Morgan and Riley. BFF's

The Miami 5 Girls (2 down, 3 to go )

The Pumpkin Carving in the dark

The kidos... Take 10 The Color Table
PJ time with Dora