Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm A Big Girl Now

This has been a BIG week for Morgan. She has really started to become a BIG GIRL... no more Baby Morgan. Here are a few of the milestones that ALL happened this WEEK.
(On July 4th Morgan will be 2.5 years old)

Wants to wear her own backpack stuffed with little goodies.

Started potty training! Morgan went to the potty own her own this week. Even carried her little potty all the way upstairs before taking off her diaper to go with no assistance from mom. I guess she is ready?!?

Loves wearing sunglasses and hats. I have never been able to get her to wear sunglasses before. Now I can't get her to take them off!

She loves dressing up in her ballerina outfit. Last Halloween she screamed when I tried to put a tutu on her. Mom still has to help her put it on but no screaming this time.

Walking in flip flops. She also started putting on her own shoes this week. Most of the time she gets them on the correct foot.

Sleeping in her BIG GIRL bed! Each night she brings all her babies to bed with her. She wraps them up in little blanket and sleeps with them all. It's so cute.

Way to go Morgan!!! It is crazy what one week can do.
Mom and Papa are very proud of you.

We are still working on Morgan saying her own name. It's funny but she has yet to say her name out loud. She can say other people's names but not her own.
The other thing is saying goodbye to the nini (pacifier) . The harder we try to take it away the more she wants it. However she keeps biting through them and "breaking" it, so soon she will have any "working" ones. Maybe then she will give up the nini.


MommyBrain said...

That is quite a week! Morgan is such a cutie pie ... glasses, hats, flip-flops ... seems she's a beach-loving girl :) It's so bittersweet when they leave babyhood behind and fully embrace big girlhood!

hsumama said...

Go Morgan! I'm going to need you to convince Tilden that he should potty in the toilet. He might listen to a pretty girl. He's not interested in what his mom says.